Sorry for the long delay between blog posts, I've been catching up with
Now, when I got to Australia at 6am in the morning after 20 hours of flying, it was important to stay awake the whole day in order to get my biological clock adjusted. With Mere on the other hand, her argument that she doesn't have a job to get ready for won over and she basically slept for the day(s).
When Mere has been awake, she has been walking around the city exploring. After just a week here, she is already tired of it and ready to move to the beach. Sorry to those back home shoveling snow right now. I'd have to agree with her about the living in the downtown of the city aspect. It is convenient for work, but I can't tell you how many people I've bumped into. Not like bump into someone I know, but literally walking directly into people. At first I thought it was me as I usually stay on the right like driving back home, but even after switching to keeping left, it has not alleviated this problem. So if you are one of or know someone who says they are leaving the US after the election...Australia is all full.
Below is a picture that Meredith took of her
One of them asked her to take a picture with her in broken English, so Mere thought she meant take a picture of her. Turned out she actually wanted the picture with Mere. This would have been a great picture to post here.
Today's big dilemma was Mere learning that the coin with a 20 on it, did not actually stand for 20 dollars, but instead 20 cents. It might be a really long year.
Just an FYI, Mere will be contributing to this blog going forward, once she gets over her jetlag.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to more Homeland.
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