Monday 1 April 2013

Scuba Peeps

Hey Gang

We decided to skip church and the easter egg hunt this year and instead go hunting for some sharks. We booked a scuba dive on Saturday up at Magic Point to swim with some Grey Nurse Sharks. They were once considered man-eaters, but its been proven that they rarely attack humans and if they do, its only if provoked or attacked. We made sure to check this information before booking the dive and I made sure Mere was on her best behavior under water.

This is me giving the it's all good sign before the dive. Basically the opposite of how my March Madness Bracket turned out. First time ever going 0-4 in picking the Final Four.  Thanks Australia!

Magic Point is a coastal headland in Marouba - about 10km South of center city Sydney and has a large Grey Nurse population. We took a boat from Little Manly Cove out past Bondi Beach to the dive site, about a half hour ride. I use the term 'boat' loosely as it was more of an aluminum bath tub with a motor packed with 10 divers and all of our gear.

We dove down to 22 meters (about 66ft) and sat at the bottom to watch the colony of sharks swimming about. Grey Nurse Sharks can get up to 3 meters (9ft) but I'd say most we saw were around 5-8 ft.

Yes, even though they were no danger, the Jaws theme song still plays in your head as they swim around you.

After being under for 30 minutes, we surfaced and got on the boat for a break before our 2nd dive. Now, I've never been sea sick in my life, but the swells were pretty big and sitting in heap of crap didn't do much for me as I thought it would be a good idea to 'feed the fish' (puke) before the 2nd dive. Luckily for me, I somehow channelled college Mark and was able to rally and go on the 2nd dive. Also luckily for me, it wasn't the college Mark that puked on Meredith freshman year. I would probably still be in the ocean.

 During the 2nd dive, we returned to the shark site and got some pictures swimming above the sharks

In regard to that sardine can we arrived on, we're definitely going to need a bigger boat! And I need to finally learn how to spell definitely! Took me about 8 attempts. 

Here is a Wobbegong Shark, which are bottom dwellers that look like they are wearing Desert Storm camo. They were kind of upstaged by the Grey Nurse.

Here is Nigel, the massive Blue Groper who had a personal relationship with our dive master Sharkey. He let's people pet him as long as they hold up some sea urchins for him to open and eat.

A black polka-dotted nudibranch

American Moorish Idol - way better than Adam Lambert

We also saw a Sea Dragon, but didn't get a photo of it as the rest of our dive group got their asian tourist on and crowded around it snapping pictures until it swam away, but below is what they look like.

Next time, I'll have to figure out if the Grey Nurse sharks like Peeps. Happy Easter!


  1. Hey friends! Love & miss you! Glad to see you're doing well.

    Anthony McB

  2. Thanks! Good to see some are still reading the blog - we should post more but sometimes we can be boring even in Australia. Looking forward to catching up when I get back for a visit in June
